Lifeline Care children easily meet the child's needs for both Omega-3 and vitamin D. The health authorities recommend daily supplements of vitamin D from the age of four weeks.
Several studies have shown that newborns need a daily supply of vitamin D and Omega-3 from the age of four weeks. This is important for a healthy and normal development. At this vulnerable age, it is especially important to choose an Omega-3 oil with a low content of unwanted substances such as heavy metals and environmental toxins, as the child's liver function is not fully developed. PureMax 'patented cleaning process has such a documented quality and is adapted to children from four weeks of age.
Daily intake of 100 mg DHA contributes to the normal development of vision in children up to 12 months of age. Vitamin D is essential for the normal growth and development of the skeleton in children.
The tail of the twist-off capsules is twisted or cut off, and the contents are mixed into drinks, food, or taken directly into the mouth. Has a light lemon taste adapted to infants' palate and tastes good. The pure PureMax oil minimizes the problem of acid regurgitation and gulping after ingestion.
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